Children’s Ministry
Kingdom Kids is the children’s ministry of Oakwood First Church. We are passionate about seeing our children learn and grow in their faith. We facilitate this growth through weekly Sunday School classes, summer children’s church, annual Vacation Bible School, and several kid-focused events. We believe that children have an essential role in the Kingdom of God.
Ladies’ Ministry
The women of FPC enjoy spending time together, whether going on special shopping trips or simply enjoying a meal together and conversation. Our annual Women's Conference is the highlight for many ladies, where we join with over 1,000 women from all across Georgia. This is always a time of strength, renewal, laughter, and late-night fun.
Men’s Ministry
Our men’s group has a great lineup of men’s breakfasts, prayer meetings, and camping trips. Are you ready for an adventure? Are you willing to take action? Are you prepared to live your life boldly for Christ? Find out how you can join the great men of FPC.
Youth Ministry
FPC Youth Department is all about connecting youth into a real and lasting relationship with God and each other.
Our goal is for each young person to form a healthy, growing relationship with God which is the most important "connection" in life. FPC challenges youth to grow in their relationship with God through discipleship, personal time with God, worship, Bible study, interaction with others, clear messages from God’s Word, and ministry.
Another FPC goal is for students to form healthy relationships with their families and other young people. Life shared with others is an essential part of the spiritual journey. FPC challenges youth to be connected to others by having fun together while supporting and encouraging each other. We strive to create an atmosphere where youth can be authentic and build satisfying relationships.
Music Ministry
Worship is the expression of reverence to God. We believe what the Bible says about worship in Psalm 81:2. "Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre" (NIV). Today, the harps have been replaced with guitars, keyboards, and tambourines with drums, but God is the heart of it all.
Worship is a vital ingredient in all of our services. It is the pathway to the presence of God. Our praise singers and leaders dedicate themselves to leading the congregation into worship.